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Friday, October 28, 2016



Such a small word, with such a big meaning. I trust you. I trust this. You have my trust. Can I trust you with this? I trust you with my life. To trust in something or someone is having blind faith in something that might fail you.

We're prone to failure since the dawn of time. It's why Jesus laid himself on the cross for us. Everyday we fail him, everyday we are granted faithful grace for our sin. But we're not perfect like Him, and when someone we put our faith in lets us down, its much harder to give that ever loving grace.

I found out something today about a person I once trusted. I always had a hunch in the back of my mind, but I chose to have faith and still believe I could trust this person. What do you do when the person, who at one point you thought you could trust your life with, turns out to be something entirely different? My first reaction, unfortunately, is always to be angry. I'm not so great at the touchy feely "you hurt my feelings". Today I was angry. No FURIOUS. How could someone hurt someone else they once loved so selfishly? I took a deep breath pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to brush it off.

I sit here tonight and I think about trust. But I'm also thinking a lot about grace. What this person did to me was unfair, and unkind, and so unlike the person I knew. But I have a choice, I can stew in the anger and the regret of how I should have trusted my gut and walked away sooner. Or I have choice number two, grace. I can choose to say, this persons actions has nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with them. Getting your trust broken hurts like hell. But it's not your character that takes the hit. When someone breaks your trust its a direct reflection of their integrity, and what trust means to them.

I choose to no let other people actions dictate my reaction. I choose not to fire back out of anger, but to walk about in love. Extending the grace that was ever so freely give to me.