Everyone is aware of the hate and the death that has been plaguing the country, well really the world, I feel like most prevalent within the last year. Black Live Matter, All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter. I'm not here to tell you where I stand or what side "I'm on" because the truth of the matter is I'm not on any side in particular. I'm on the side of Love. Love Matters. That is all that matters. Do you hear me? I will repeat it again LOVE is all that matters. I am not here to belittle your feels or to say you are wrong because honestly, what ever you are feeling, they are your feelings and they are valid. What it comes down to for me is this, as a Christian even if you are not one, we all have a symbolic "cross" to bare like our Savior did for us. The cross you might bare is, you grew up in a corrupt inner city and never felt like you were give equal opportunity to excel because of you economical situation or the color of your skin. Your cross may make you worry about your own children and if they will be able to break the cycle or if they will be stuck in the same situation as you for the rest of their lives, despite you giving them every opportunity you know how. That is YOUR cross to bare. I will not tell you it's not as heavy as mine, I will not tell you to suck it up, I will not tell you it doesn't matter. Because it is the cross that you bare and I promise to never tell you otherwise. The cross you might bare is a badge. A badge that you put on everyday because all you've ever wanted to do since you where a little boy or girl was protect the ones you love. The cross you bare may feel at times so heavy from the pain of a lost brother or sister in the line of duty, or when a random person spits on you and calls you a pig for doing your job the best you know how. The cross you bare could feel so heavy some nights because you don't know if that's the last time you will read your daughter her favorite bedtime story. Your cross is just as EQUALLY important and heavy to bare. I will not tell you it's not heavy, I will not judge you by the cross you bare. You see some of us may feel at times, our crosses are a little heavier to carry than others, but everybody's pain is relevant and valid to them. But the weight of those crosses combined will never amount to the weight of that cross Jesus bared for us simply because he loved each and everyone of us, whether we know him or not, unconditionally.
We all act out of anger, hurt and selfishness at times. I will be the first to admit that sometimes I am quick to those feelings. And the truth is sometimes you need a little selfish times. It's wrong yes, but that is what conviction is for, to set us right. The other people in our lives and in our communities will have the same issues, and you will have to bare these things too. Learn to forgive those who speak out of anger and hurt. Learn how to be compassionate, and give grace even if you feel it isn't deserve or warranted. Simple because Christ gave it to you. Before you were even born, and before you had ever made a mistake in your life.
So when you read something that makes you angry, or you feel like arguing "your side", take a deep breath and try to respond with grace and compassion for the other person's cross. Because after all, know matter what "side" you're on, we're all on the same side to Christ. Brothers and Sisters. I think if we start to act like them and start treating each other with LOVE first. We might just be able to be the light in the darkness. I leave you tonight with my favorite verse of all time.
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