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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A little background on me

Hello blogging world!

  My name is Amanda Wells. I'm a California girl born and raised, raising my 4 year old little girl Brielle in a sleepy little country town in the central valley. I'm a woman of faith that has a deep love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I love to help people. It's one of the main reason I want to become a nurse, but I've been struggling lately with trying to live with more purpose on the way to my journey becoming a nurse. And one day it just hit me, why not write a blog. We're all looking for someone who understands walking through the fire. Someone who can relate to things we go through, and things we experience in life. So the way I see it is if my "crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life" can help someone get through theirs I will be happy! And yes, I did just quote Darryl Worley's "Awful beautiful Life" haha. I'll do that. A lot. With songs, movies, you name it, when a quote fits I sticks! Funny fact, that's actually how I came up with the name of my blog. I was looking for something to word play off of a well and I started singing Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, "I'm Wishing". It's something that happens quite often with my brain, and I don't know if that has anything to do with the fact that my strongest multiple intelligence happens to be musical. Anytime I'm deep thought about something and there's a phrase or a word I think of or hear that makes me bust out in song in my head, and sometimes out loud. Sometimes with people present. I get some pretty odd looks if you don't know me well! Anyway I am getting super side tracked here. So a bit about myself and my life, my daughter and I moved to the town we are in almost two years ago now with one of my best friends Aricka. I grew up in the area so it's not terribly new to me. The town I grew up in was very small and I loved the small town feeling and how everyone knew each other, but it quite frankly is not the safest place to live. I had always said the town I live in now would be the only town I would ever live in in this valley if I had to stay, so! Here I am! I have to be honest, if I could,I'd move to Texas in a heartbeat. It's my favorite state and my person, one of my very best friends Leslie, lives there. When I visited I absolutely fell in love with the state. Sadly, my dad whom I am extremely closed to, threatened to never speak to me again if I moved his grand daughter away from him. Pretty sure that was a bit dramatic, considering when I lived in North Carolina at 19-21 he called me EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. If we went over 12 hours without speaking he went into full blown panic mode. But I caught the drift, he'd be heart broken. So would my mother, and honestly I couldn't be doing this by myself without their support. Right now, I'm a hairdresser in town the town my parents live in, and looking for a job at a doctors office so I can use this medical assisting cert I just spent the last 7 months working on. I also am working on my general ed and prerequisites to get into nursing school. But that I'll get more into later on another day. But to put it simply I work full time, go to school full time and am a full time single mommy. I am so grateful for the support I have from my wonderful parents, and true friends.  It really does take a village to raise a child and I thank the Lord every single day for my village. If I didn't have as much love and support as I do from my family and friends around me I doubt I would have been able to make it this far. I have a good handle of really close friends, and I'm sure as I continue writing you'll get to meet each and everyone of them. So that's just a little bit about me and I hope you enjoy this journey with me. I also want to start a Vlog on youtube and do some video's about my thoughts about life and God, and just getting through this crazy things we call life one day at a time.

Thanks for reading!
Brielle and I in Tahoe September 2015

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